Individual Package
IB (Income Tax)
Making arrangements with authorities, including the Tax Office
Filing objections
Checking annual statements / verifying payroll tax deductions
Starter Entrepreneur Package
For entrepreneurs who have been registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) for less than 2 years.
VAT returns (OB-aangiften)
Weekly invoicing
Tax advice and tips
Administrative advice and tips
Unlimited accessibility by phone and email
Quarterly financial reports
Digital backups
Processing of bank statements
Correspondence with the Tax Authorities
Growth Package -
VAT returns
Income tax for entrepreneurs (including combinations with employment)
Weekly invoicing
Administrative tasks
Time tracking
Processing of bank statements
Digital backups
Unlimited accessibility by phone and email
Correspondence with the Tax Authorities
Making arrangements with the Tax Authorities
Annual financial statements
Growth Package 2.0
Ideal for general partnerships (VOF), SMEs, and/or limited companies (BV):
Drafting and finalizing contracts
Creating quotes
VAT returns
Income tax for entrepreneurs
Payroll specifications
Administrative tasks
Monthly financial overview
Annual financial statements
Digital backups
Making arrangements with various authorities, including the Tax Authorities
Unlimited accessibility by phone and email
Time tracking
Processing of bank statements